Free Wi-Fi rollout begins on TransLink vehicles

Oct. 6, 2021
This is the beginning of a system-wide rollout that will provide free WiFi for TransLink customers on all buses, SeaBuses, SkyTrains, transit stations and major transit hubs.

Free Wi-Fi is being rolled out by TransLink and Shaw Communications Inc., on three SkyTrains, at Edmonds Station and at Carvolth Exchange.

This is the beginning of a system-wide rollout that will provide free Wi-Fi for TransLink customers on all buses, SeaBuses, SkyTrains, transit stations and major transit hubs. TransLink says it expects the rollout will complete in 2026. Bringing Wi-Fi to the transit system is part of the agency's ongoing efforts to elevate the customer experience while it continues to welcome customers back to transit.

“We know that free Wi-Fi is something our customers want, and I’m so excited to start delivering this important feature to elevate the customer experience,” said TransLink CEO Kevin Quinn. “Free Wi-Fi means that our customers can use their transit time for leisure, work, or better connecting with family and friends without spending their money on data fees.”

This rollout will first prioritize activating Wi-Fi on RapidBuses, SkyTrains and 60-foot articulated buses to provide Wi-Fi on the vehicles serving the most customers. TransLink and Shaw will then continue to install Wi-Fi on vehicles until the whole fleet is equipped. Free Shaw Wi-Fi is already available onboard SeaBuses and in SeaBus terminals for customers as part of a previous rollout from TransLink and Shaw.

“We are proud to partner with TransLink so its customers can stay connected when they are on buses, trains or in transit stations across the Lower Mainland,” said Katherine Emberly, president, business, Shaw Communications. “Today’s announcement represents another milestone in our collective commitment to providing commuters with fast, seamless WiFi connectivity that they can enjoy for free across TransLink’s system.”

Posters and signage will be on display on vehicles and at transit hubs with Wi-Fi to make customers aware of its availability and to provide clear instructions on how to connect to Wi-Fi during their transit journey.