INIT: Ready for e-Mobility

Sept. 20, 2018
“Ready for e-mobility” was the theme for Init’s showcase at InnoTrans 2018.

 “Ready for e-mobility” was the theme for Init’s showcase at InnoTrans 2018.

Electric buses are rolling out in cities around the globe and planning for electromobility will require smart systems to provide accurate data to help transit operators prepare a variety of analysis on things such as timetables, charging times, ranges and energy consumption.

INIT’s Intermodal Transport Control System (MOBILE-ITCS) provides an overview of important vehicle information for the dispatcher, including the current charge level and remaining range. Operators can set thresholds, which will then show a color indicator to reflect the remaining charge level and warnings in the status display. A warning can be displayed when a vehicle falls below a charge level or below the remaining range threshold.

MOBILEcharge can provide operators with intelligent charge management. It connects charging points, electricity supply and operational information systems to help in developing charge planning. Operators can predict energy requirements and load management.

INIT provides a comprehensive system for e-bus operation from planning stages prior to procurement through operating your fleet.