DRT presents Safe Driver Awards

June 2, 2020
Throughout 2019, the 29 employees celebrating Safe Driver milestones drove approximately 7,748,498 million miles.

Durham Region Transit (DRT) is recognizing 29 operators for their dedication and ongoing efforts to ensure the safety of passengers and the public with whom they share the roadways in and around Durham region.

The Safe Driver Awards were established in 2015 to publicly honor DRT operators who have achieved safe driving milestones of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years without a single preventable collision. Throughout 2019, the 29 employees celebrating Safe Driver milestones drove approximately 12,470,000 million kilometers (7,748,498 million miles) without a preventable collision, while more than 11 million customers traveled with DRT, the highest annual ridership ever recorded.

“The benchmarks of the program are highly respected throughout the transit industry, representing a level of excellence we should all strive for, and a true testament to the professionalism and dedication of our operators,” said Bill Holmes, general manager, DRT.

Customers are invited to recognize a DRT operator or any front-line staff for exceptional customer service. Contact DRT’s Customer Service Centre by phone at 1-866-247-0055 or submit a customer comment form.