Near Miss at Auckland Rail Crossing

April 9, 2017
A train driver had to apply the emergency brakes on a service at Mount Eden station on the morning of April 7, after a woman crossed in front of the train.

A train driver had to apply the emergency brakes on a service at Mount Eden station on the morning of April 7, after a woman crossed in front of the train.

The near miss happened when the woman stepped out at a crossing despite the warning bells and lights operating.

Auckland Transport Rail Services Manager Craig Inger says everyone has to take care around the rail network because of the high number of trains in Auckland.

“We’ve checked the footage of this morning’s incident and we can see the woman checked to her right before crossing but not to her left and that’s where the train was coming from.

“It’s really important that that you check both directions before crossing, a train can come from either direction." Inger said it's disturbing that a number of other people crossed before the woman, even though the lights were on and the bells were sounding. ”The lights and bells mean don't cross".

He said electric trains are also much quieter than the old diesels. “You can’t be using your phone or have earphones on because you might miss the warning lights or bells.”

Megan Drayton from TrackSAFE says more than 100 people have died in New Zealand in the past ten years on railway tracks, tunnels and bridges. “Most railway deaths are preventable if people follow basic safety rules around tracks and trains — only ever cross railway tracks at formed level crossings and obey the signs and signals that are there to protect you.

“Trains are extremely fast and quiet, they can’t swerve to avoid a person or object on the tracks. The best the train driver can do is put on the emergency brakes and hope for the best.”

Auckland Transport
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