Meet the Secured Cities Experts

Sept. 26, 2016
The group of security and Public Safety experts will address the biggest challenges in securing cities, campuses, transit and healthcare facilities.

Secured Cities in Houston has lined up a faculty of speakers in the industry. The group of security and Public Safety experts will address the biggest challenges in securing cities, campuses, transit and healthcare facilities. They will be presenting 50 minute education sessions and panels.

Featured speakers: 

Mitigating Risk and Protecting the Campus at the University of Texas
Vicki King, Inspector, University of Texas Police - Houston
Topic: Secured Campus
Tuesday, Nov. 15, 1:00PM

This presentation will explore the operational protocols and innovative intervention strategies used to identify, assess, and intervene in cases that threaten our campuses and community.
Course Objectives:

  • Provide an overview of the structure and operational design of the threat management unit and behavioral intervention teams which protect one of the largest academic medical centers in the United States.
  • Discuss recent case studies illustrative of the unique intervention strategies used to address the most serious threats to organizational wellness and institutional safety.
  • Identify the on-going challenges and strategies to prevent, mitigate, or neutralize emerging threats to the campus Case studies taken from each of the four typologies (sources: Cal/OSHA 1995; Howard 1996; IPRC 2001) will illustrate the team’s evolution from reactive threat mitigation to proactive prevention efforts. The lessons learned from more than 500 cases managed over the team’s lifespan provide insight and unique approaches to workplace violence prevention.

Why Every Healthcare Security Program Needs a Medical Director
Michael Coplen, Director of Security
Dr. Jeffrey Ho, Emergency Physician
Hennepin County Medical Center
Topic: Secured Healthcare
Thursday, Nov. 17, 11:00AM

A healthcare security director and physician will discuss their success in creating a Medical Director position to direct, consult, and review security training programs, policies, and “use of force” events. Join a healthcare security director and an emergency medical physician from an urban hospital campus for an overview of how they successfully created a security medical director position to provide clinical oversight into the training, techniques, and procedures used in the security program. The result has led to a more integrated and clinically-based security operation and a use of a force model based on medical research and practice. A medical peer review process for security events has also been implemented. A Security Medical Director provides a valuable layer of clinical oversight, legitimacy, and transparency to healthcare security operations and "use of force" program.