DRPA and PATCO Prepare for Papal Visit

Sept. 24, 2015

DRPA and PATCO officials on Sept. 23 issued a statement welcoming Pilgrims and World Meeting of Families (WMOF) visitors to the Delaware Valley. The Benjamin Franklin Bridge and the PATCO train line will be key points of entry, serving a vital role in helping to transport thousands of visitors to events in Philadelphia, including the Papal Address at the Festival of Families at Independence Hall on Sept. 26, and the Papal Mass on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway on Sept. 27.

“After months of planning and preparation we are pleased to welcome the Holy Father Pope Francis and the multitude of visitors to Philadelphia, many of whom have traveled from around the world to attend this joyous and historic event,” said DRPA CEO John T. Hanson. “The DRPA and PATCO have worked closely with our local, state, regional and national partners to help make this event a reality. It has been an honor and privilege to participate and we are looking forward to welcoming our guests. This is a wonderful opportunity to showcase the Delaware Valley and we are happy to be able to play a role.”

To facilitate pedestrian access to WMOF/Papal Visit events, the Ben Franklin Bridge (BFB) is scheduled to close at 10 p.m. Sept.25,  The bridge will open for pedestrian traffic at 6 a.m. on Sept. 26, and will remain open to pedestrians until noon on Sept. 28, when it will revert to vehicular traffic.