Collier Area Transit to Use Google Transit

March 18, 2015

Collier Area Transit (CAT) is pleased to announce that riders will be able to find bus stops and bus schedules using Google Transit.

Google Transit allows riders to find the nearest bus stop, bus schedules at specific stops and how much the trip will cost, as well as alternate routes. Riders can access Google Transit by visiting or by downloading the Google Transit app to their smartphones.

The app will allow riders to customize their routes and get walking directions to the nearest transit stop or to their destination once they leave the bus. You can also use business names or place names instead of addresses, meaning you don’t have to know your destination’s address to get there.

“Our goal is to have a transit system in Collier County that is safe and convenient. By partnering with Google Transit, we are able to give our riders the convenience they are looking for, while helping them plan how and when they will get to where they are going safely,” said Michelle Arnold, director of the public transit and neighborhood enhancement division, which operates CAT.

Google Transit offers the free service to communities that provide transportation to the public that is free and that operates with fixed schedules and routes. The county has been using the service in a pilot program to ensure they will be able to help customers having problems using the service.