CO: Mountain Metropolitan Transit Opens New Park-n-Ride for Carpoolers

Aug. 7, 2014
Residents in northeast Colorado Springs have a new carpooling option thanks to a new Park-n-Ride located on the northwest corner of Black Forest Road and Woodmen Road.

Residents in northeast Colorado Springs have a new carpooling option thanks to a new Park-n-Ride located on the northwest corner of Black Forest Road and Woodmen Road.

Mountain Metro Transit built  this Park-n-Ride to provide an opportunity for residents who live in northeast Colorado Springs to rendezvous at the location and carpool to their destination--reducing the number of single occupant vehicles on the road and lowering overall emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases.

The Black Forest Park-n-Ride was primarily funded as part of a Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) grant with the intent of reducing congestion within Colorado Springs and improving air quality. The design includes 215 parking spaces, a bus turnaround loop with space for three buses and a passenger waiting/loading area with space for shelters and other amenities for future, anticipated bus service. The lot is lighted with full cutoff LED lights, which decrease unnecessary light and significantly reduce power consumption.