Steer Davies Gleave Has Become Steer

July 16, 2018
Steer Davies Gleave has become Steer. After 40 years, the company has shortened its name to Steer to mark its continuing growth and diversity.

Steer Davies Gleave has become Steer. After 40 years, the company has shortened its name to Steer to mark its continuing growth and diversity.

With a growing presence across the globe and a broadening portfolio into markets beyond transportation — including health, energy and economic development — Steer has made the decision to rename and rebrand. Transportation remains at the core of its business, but Steer is increasingly helping clients maximize opportunity and realize value within this changing landscape.

Some things haven’t changed though. Steer continues to embrace its legacy of providing impartial, objective and results-driven advice. Steer is still truly independent, with no external shareholders, and the company remains wholly dedicated to providing clients with original thinking grounded in expertise.

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Oct. 11, 2012