ATU Slams GOP Attempt to Obstruct Obama’s Constitutional Duty to Replace Scalia

Feb. 19, 2016
Amalgamated Transit Union international president Larry Hanley issued the following statement on the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

Amalgamated Transit Union international president Larry Hanley issued the following statement on the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

"Our thoughts and prayers go out to Justice Scalia’s family as the nation mourns his passing.

"Senator McConnell and the GOP Presidential candidates are politicizing Scalia’s passing and disgracing our Constitution. They have it backwards, the American people took a presidential vote in 2012 and McConnell and his cohorts can't pick which election counts.

“Working people will not tolerate their partisan attempt to nullify President Obama’s constitutional right to appoint a successor to Justice Scalia. We will not let that stand.

“We call on the Senate to fulfill their constitutional responsibility and give Obama’s nominee a fair and timely hearing.”