SLO Transit Aids Fire Fighters

Jan. 4, 2016

On Dec 26, a three alarm fire rang for a novelty gift shop business which caught fire on the 200 block of Higuera Street.  Fire crews, using multiple ladder trucks, fought the fire for more than six hours.  The noxious fumes and heavy dousing of water were made even more difficult to manage by the unusually colder weather, reported to be as low as 32 degrees. “My biggest concern is my guys out there ... who’ve been working in this cold, soaking wet, all day,” stated fire fighter Neal Berryman.

In response to this, a San Luis Obispo city SLO Transit bus was dispatched and set up a block away to act as a refuge and warming center for personnel who would continue to attend to the fire throughout the night.  Inside the vehicle, fire fighters found: shelter, heaters running, water, snacks and place to sit or lay down to rest.  ”We are happy no one was hurt and feel for the loss of the establishment.  We are always happy to help those serving our community when we can.” states Transit Manager, Gamaliel Anguiano.