Harbor Transit

Grand Haven, MI 49417


About Harbor Transit


440 North Ferry Street
Grand Haven, MI 49417
United States

More Info on Harbor Transit

Harbor Transit
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Since 1975 Harbor Transit has been providing quality public transportation service to thousands of Tri-Cities residents in the city of Grand Haven, the village of Spring Lake, the city of Ferrysburg, and now to people living in Grand Haven Township.

Products and Press Releases

Harbor Transit
Dennis Carter was recently recognized for being the 200,000 passenger to ride Harbor Transit during 2013. He is shown here with the one month bus pass he was awarded for this distinction.

MI: Harbor Transit Sets Annual Ridership Record

Jan. 20, 2014
Harbor Transit announced that two ridership records have recently fallen helping make 2013 the busiest twelve months in the history of Tri-Cities public transportation.

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