TARTA Partners with Commuter Advertising

Dec. 3, 2015

TARTA is teaming up with digital transit advertising partner Commuter Ads as an official media partner of the First Lady Michelle Obama’s #BetterMakeRoom campaign in support of the President's "North Star" goal — that by 2020, America will once again have the highest proportion of college graduates in the world.  The Administration identified CommuterAds as an important new media partner in reaching key audiences both today and in the years to come due to their hyper targeted approach.

Starting in December, TARTA riders will hear The First Lady “talk” to transit riders on the inside of Metro buses.  The message invites teens between the ages of 14-19 to think past high school, encourages students to by pursue higher education.

“The #BetterMakeRoom campaign is an important bipartisan initiative to help ensure the success America’s future generations,” says CommuterAds founder and CEO Russ Gottesman. “Students who ride public transit such as UT and Stautzenberger students and those throughout Toledo can share their stories and encourage one another to take the steps necessary to attain a technical, 2-year or 4-year degrees.  CommuterAds is proud to be one of a select few media partners of this fantastic movement along with our long-time partners at TARTA.”

TARTA Chief Executive Officer Jim Gee is excited to see the partnership develop.  “With a high concentration of students in the Toledo area, we are excited that the White House and the BetterMakeRoom team has chosen Toledo as a city to speak directly to TARTA students.  We enjoy a strong partnership with CommuterAds who will be facilitating the messages for a worthwhile and important education initiative.” Gee said.

The First Lady’s message that TARTA riders will hear inspires students to think big.  “You’ve got big plans. A better education. A better career. A better future. A better life. And these dreams are all within your grasp. So the world better make room for you.  Tell the world what’s next for you at BetterMakeRoom.org” is the message that will begin airing on TARTA buses.

Advertisers such as University of Toledo, Owens Community College, Stautzenberger and Lucas Co Health Dept are clients of CommuterAds that currently engage TARTA riders by playing messages in front of their storefronts or relevant locations.  The TARTA was on the forefront of location-based advertising as one of the first transit agencies in the country to hop on board targeted messaging program.