TTC Recognizes Employees

Sept. 11, 2015

Toronto Transit Commission CEO Andy Byford joined members of the TTC's Executive team at a ceremony to honour 34 TTC employees, recipients of the TTC's Rewards and Recognition awards.

The revamped Rewards and Recognition Program, which will present awards to both staff and unionized employees, aligns with the TTC's Five-Year Corporate Plan and the People Objective of creating an empowered, customer-focused workforce that values teamwork, pride in a job well done, and an organization that actively develops its employees.

At the end of the year, one employee will be recognized as the "TTC Employee of the Year" for outstanding achievement in one, or more, of the award categories. 

This quarter's Rewards and Recognition recipients:

Customer Service Award Winners

  • Nick Van Egmond and Jason White, Carpenters Witnessed a car accident harming an elderly woman and assisted her, preventing further harm.
  • Ben Giunta, Rail Vehicle Analyzer

Assisted customer at Sheppard who left her cellphone on a departed train. Coordinated the recovery of the phone.

  • Francesco Carpino and Giulio Cerulli, General Motor Repairpersons Assisted customers during a subway shutdown at Wilson station. Remained positive under stress.
  • Rick Whitlock, Coach Technician

Helpful to colleagues in everyday tasks and emergencies. Willingly shares his knowledge with colleagues.

  • Stephan Fontaine, Slip Clerk

Takes action to resolve customer issues and is committed to assisting customers.

  • Sharon Mundle, Route Supervisor

Assisted customer at Don Mills with a medical condition and ensured customer's safety.

  • Terry Hughes, Divisional Assistant Manager Makes a continuous effort to investigate customer service  concerns. Always respectful and treats everyone equally.
  • Joe St. Julien, Janitor

Helped to restore totem poles at Spadina station. Showed dedication to advocating for improvements that enhance the customer experience.

  • Julie Clarke, Route Supervisor Trainee Took decisive action in an assault that occurred on a streetcar she was driving.
  • Edwina Richards, Customer Service Representative Received many customer compliments and is committed to helping customers navigate though difficult situations.

Safety Award Winners

  • Domenic Colosimo, Escalator Overhaul Mechanic Readily shares vast knowledge and skills. Provides mentorship to new employees.
  • Richard Horn, Coordinator - Safety and Environment Dedicated to improving health and safety and developed processes to audit health and safety documents.
  • Frank Taylor, Maintenance Mechanic Heating Advocated for removal of potentially hazardous materials.
  • Calogero Siggia, Supervisor

Developed welcome package for students with specific safety rules, ensures student safety.

  • Mary Tzavragos, Drawing Coordinator

Creates and publishes 'Seasonal Tips' posters that help reduce injuries and illness.

  • Naomi Marubashi, Divisional Assistant Manager Developed a program to check all subway tracks for safety issues. The program has improved both staff and customer safety.
  • Gerald Heslop, Carol Jesseau, Randall Romeral and Ross Zambri; Operators Created a safety training for divisional trainers and new operators, resulting in a reduction of preventable collisions.
  • Zachary Ressler, Janitor

Acted quickly in an emergency situation, putting customer safety first and ensuring they were cleared from the emergency.

  • Graham Platt, Station Supervisor

Took initiative to organize an audit of all rooms in the 12 University-Spadina Zone stations for fire prevention. Oversaw the removal of potentially harmful materials in the University-Spadina Zone.

  • Deborah Steels, Employee Relations Consultant Developed program to check all subway tracks for safety issues, improving staff and customer safety.

Leadership Award Winners

  • Al Pritchard, Senior Manager

Has ability to bring harmony to unsteady relationships, resulting in increased productivity and sustainable workforce.

  • Charles Cassato, General Machinst

Inspires colleagues and encourages a calm, focused work atmosphere.

  • Adam Brisbois, Operator

Helpful to new operators, motivates and inspires colleagues.

  • Alex Funduk, Transit Enforcement Officer Motivates others to be positive ambassadors, represents TTC at special events and develops connections with others.
  • Jennifer McIver, Claims Adjustor

Took on leadership role when colleague suffered a tragedy. Demonstrated her capacity to be hard-working and dependable.

Teamwork Award Winners

  • Neil Preece, John Bethune and Patrick McLaughlin, Operators

Offered to review subway delays and provided solutions and support for operators. Efforts led to suggestions for possible fixes over nights and weekends and inspired collaboration amongst division.