Vicinity to supply four electric buses to Honolulu's Daniel K. Inouye International Airport

Oct. 10, 2022
The airport is the largest in the state and the addition of the buses support Hawaii's sustainability goals.

Vicinity Motor Corp. received an order from strategic partner Sustainability Partners LLC (SP) for four Vicinity Lightning™ electric buses via Soderholm Sales & Leasing, Inc., Vicinity's Pacific Islands distributor.

The Vicinity Lightning™ shuttle buses will be used at the Daniel K. Inouye International Airport in Honolulu, Hawaii, which serves 12 million passengers per year. The Hawaii Department of Transportation will utilize SP's Electric Vehicles as a Service™ (EVaaS) program to finance the conversion of traditional government fleets to Vicinity's electric vehicles. Soderholm will facilitate the sale and provide long-term technical and maintenance support for the project. The order of four new electric buses is scheduled for delivery in 2023.

"As the state of Hawaii works to meet its sustainability goals and accelerate fleet electrification, our EVaaS program replaces outdated and costly fleet infrastructure with modern electrified solutions like the Vicinity Lightning™," said Thomas Cain, CEO and founder of Sustainability Partners. "SP can pay for 100 percent of the purchase price while concurrently ensuring the vehicles are continually maintained in a state of good repair with embedded long-term support from SSL and Vicinity. We look forward to providing Hawaii and its largest airport an electric solution with a uniquely structured, month-to-month use-based service alternative to the traditional purchase of government fleets."

Gabi Soderholm of SSL added: "We look forward to supporting SP's EVaaS program and the integration of Vicinity's medium duty, accessible, ADA compliant, fully electrified low-floor shuttle bus into the Honolulu airport fleet. The transition to zero emission airport fleets will support not only Hawaii's sustainability goals but also serve as a powerful example of the benefits of EVs to the millions of passengers visiting our state each year."

"We continue to see significant interest from regional and international airports for EV passenger shuttle services given their inherent advantages," concluded William Trainer, Founder and CEO of Vicinity Motor Corp. "State and airport authorities are increasingly concerned by air quality impacts to local health from traditional gas and diesel buses at airport curbsides, exposing passengers to increased levels of air pollution. Today, over 40 airports in the U.S - including Honolulu - are participating in the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) Airport Sustainability Plan to integrate sustainability into airport planning. Progressive airports are including a shift to cleaner shuttle bus options to reduce emissions and address community needs in their strategy."